Medicine is forever on a journey of innovation, to improve the level of care a health care practitioner can provide. In the last decade the rate at which cellular therapies have evolved is astounding.

Diagnostic probes to guide the use of these cellular therapies have improved exceptionally. Examples include: 

Telomere analysis and surveillance

 Gene editing planning : This has been hailed as the biggest biotech discovery of the century.   innovators like Editas Medicine are forerunners in this field  "We are researching and developing two types of CRISPR medicines: in vivo CRISPR medicines that edit genes inside the body, and ex vivo engineered cell medicines where CRISPR gene editing occurs outside the body to create edited cell medicines that are administered to patients. Leveraging both of these approaches will help us target a broader range of diseases."


Top candidates for cellular renewal and repair (still in early stages of exploration):


Augmentation and recruitment of specific subunit groups of stem cells via HBOT                                                                                                                                           

Autologous Stem cell Therapy therapy                                                                                           

Pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells offer a wide range of solutions                   

Augmenting the environment to facilitate cell renewal - PCP                               


As well as: 

Allogeneic Stem Cell Therapies

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)  - a simple yet powerful tool for editing DNA sequences in genes. 


This study summarizes and builds upon other concepts which have been established regarding the action that hyperbaric oxygen imparts such as: 
   1) How hyperbaric oxygen stimulates CD34 stem cells to be mobilized from the bone marrow into the peripheral circulation.
   2) The impact of veg F [vascular endothelial growth factor) and HIF (hypoxia inducement factor) in attracting mobilized CD34 stem cells to the site of cellular distress.